Same day service on most repairs, Tune-ups, Oil changes, Brakes, Tires, Factory Maintenance, Flushes, Air Conditioning, Engine repair, Diagnostics, Nevada State Emission Test and Repair Facility.
ASE master technicians, convienent location, clean facility, 12 mo.12,000 mile warranty, AAA approved, road hazard warranty included.
Established in 1991
Started out as a one man shop and my reputation grew because “you will get your dollars worth”. As a working middle class I wanted value and thats what we give here everyday at Greg’s Garage. This is my third location with excellent mechanics and managers plus the shop has great equipment.
Meet the Business Owner: Greg D.
4 years Auto Shop, Reno High School –
1 year Automotive Techincian, AZ Auto Inst. –
4 years Dealership Mechanic, Chrysler and Toyota –
15 years Independent Mechanic –
4 years Gas Station and Independent Manager