The video,” Loading A Roll Off Dumpster – Step By Step,” provides an overview of how to load a roll off container. The video demonstrates how to avoid common mistakes and adequately load the dumpster before putting it on a dump truck.
The first step of the process is to check the dumpster’s weight limit.
If unsure, weigh it on a scale and ensure it is not heavier than your dumpster can hold. Please do this before you begin to load it into your truck.
Secondly, weigh the load you are trying to put on the dumpster. You can easily do this by using a handheld digital scale or by taking it to a certified scale.
The third step is to total up how much trash you are trying to load into the dumpster. You should add the body weight of the truck plus all of its accessories to your total.
The final step is loading the truck with the waste. The best way to do this is to place the items in a systematic order. Top heavy boxes should be loaded first, so the bottom of the load will be stable. Once in your truck, tie down all your loads and make sure nothing moves around. .