One surefire way to save your hard-earned cash is to perform your own oil change. Intimidated? Don’t be. With just a little time and elbow grease, a DIY oil change will get your car right back to where it needs to be.
In the past, conventional motor oil was used for most older model cars.
However, if you have a modern car, you will need synthetic oil, which is lighter than conventional oil. You will also need an oil filter, preferably one with more pleats, which will allow it to hold more dirt and filter better.
It’s best to check with your car manufacturer to determine the best time for your specific car model to get its oil changed. For example, newer Toyota models should get an oil change every 10,000 miles or once a year.
Using a car jack to slightly elevate your vehicle ensures that you can effectively get underneath your car to change the oil. With a pan at the ready to catch the old oil, pull off the oil drain plug. Once all of the oil has been released, you can take the oil filter off and replace it. Before pouring your new oil into your vehicle, search for the correct amount that is needed for your specific car. You don’t want to put in too much or too little and do damage.