It’s time to learn how to drive. Should you ask a friend if you can run circles in the parking lot until you get the hang of it?
Not so fast. It’s better to be safe than sorry when operating heavy machinery. Considering how many road hazards the average driver faces today, getting your safety basics under your belt now will really pay off in the future. It’s not as simple as remembering to put a seatbelt on, either. As a new driver you need to be cognizant of all the things that can go wrong on the way to the grocery store. Defensive driving school is a great resource to get a handle on this new skill and set up a positive foundation to carry you through life.
Knowledge is power. Here’s what you should know about practice driving and the most common hazards on American roads.
Did You Know?
American roads are a dangerous place. Taking a practice driving test will make sure you’re prepared. Ongoing studies have determined teens are nearly 10 times more likely to be in a crash on their first year of the road. Around 20% of 11th graders reported being in a crash as a driver within the past year, while another 25% of 9th graders reported being in a crash as a passenger. A lack of knowledge and practice are some of the leading causes of teenagers and young adults getting into accidents. Driving school can change this.
The Importance Of Safety First
What do you know about driving safely? Buckling up is a great place to start, as your seatbelt can literally mean the difference between life or death. Putting away your cell phone and resisting the urge to touch the radio dial while behind the wheel is another. The fatality rate for drivers between the age of 16 and 19 is four times higher than drivers between the ages of 25 and 69. Today motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death and injury in the workplace and a single accident can cost over $1 million in damages.
Common American Road Hazards
Let’s do a tally of the average issue you can face on the road if you’re not careful…and sometimes when you are. Drunk driving is a rampant issue that sees thousands of head-on collisions every year, including operating a vehicle while drunk, using illegal drugs or being on prescription medication. Distracted driving is another issue that also needs to be considered every time you step behind the wheel. Checking your phone, changing the radio dial or attempting to eat food during the trip can increase your chance for an accident up to three times more.
Basic Driving Tips
Before you practice driving with a licensed professional, here are some basic driving tips you should be aware of. The average American drives nearly 30 miles per day, making two trips with an average duration of 45 minutes. The winter months tend to be navigated through the least, while the summer months see the most activity. Your car needs to be well-maintained at all times, which means taking it to the car shop for maintenance at least once per year and always keeping an eye out for any warning signs. Stalling brakes, broken lights and odd noises coming from your engine should all be taken seriously.
Signing Up For A Practice Driving Class
Never been to a driving school before? You’ve chosen a great time to start. A recent study found over 55% of teenagers consistently rely on their parents to learn how to drive. Another 65% of teenagers consistently wear their seat belts as both the driver and the passenger. There are too many young drivers out there expecting a video or a few repetitions around the block to teach them how to navigate the road. Traffic lessons are a fun and digestible way to get you acquainted with your new skill, keeping yourself and others as safe as possible.
Better safe than sorry. Let a beginner driving course get you off on the right foot.