Talk radio has become very popular in recent years and the car talk radio show is no exception. Car Talk has always been known for its off the wall humor and the brothers you host it, simply known as Click and Clack. The Car Talk show premiered on NPR stations as a weekly broadcast until 2012. Now reruns can be seen as the brothers decided to retire.
The Car Talk show featured any and everything to do with automobiles, whether serious, humorous or otherwise. The show is structured around a call in format meaning that listeners could call in and voice their opinions, ask questions, and just chat at times. Listeners are encouraged to call the Car Talk show at any time during the broadcast by calling the 800 number and let Click and Clack know what they think of the show.
The Car Talk show typically opens with a comedy scene, followed by eight call in segments where different callers voice their opinions. The show is split into two parts usually with a break in between segments. Eventually, the show was split into three segments where a joke was formed alluding the third half of the show.
While the show has humorous moments when it comes to cars, and anything to do with them, the brothers Click and Clack become serious. The Car Talk credits have long been a talked about occurrence when it comes to the Car Talk show. The credits are considered to be Dewey, Cheatman, and Howie credits and made fun of throughout the credits.
While the Car talk show ended in 2012, when the brothers Click and Clack retired the show itself seems to live on in reruns and the minds and hearts of Car Talk enthusiasts everywhere. Car Talk offered tips, advice, and humor to the millions of car lovers that tuned in everywhere.