Camping is one of American’s favorite pastimes. One of the many reasons is so that people are able to go on vacation without over spending. Another reason is because people nowadays, 47%, feel that camping is a great way to spend more time with their families. In addition, and among many other reasons, camping, especially in an RV, is something that 38% of people feel can be done at the spur of the moment. There does not have to be a lot of planning done beforehand.
When considering the purchase of an RV, or recreational vehicle, there are an unlimited number of types and brands available to look into. The Newmar London Aire is a luxury RV that offers a choice of six different floor plans, depending upon the customer’s preference. The Newmar London Aire is a 600 horsepower vehicle, with a diesel engine. Lots of power! The inside features an L-shaped kitchen with pull out drawers in the pantry, a hide-a-bed sofa in the living room, and a large master bedroom. The captain’s seats are heated, and Newmar London Aire has installed within the vehicle a touch screen that controls lighting as well as heat.
There are 16,000 campgrounds within the United States, both public and private, which gives campers and RV travelers more than ample opportunity to travel for as long or short a period of time as they would like. In addition to Newmar London Aire model campers, Airstream camper models also offer a wide variety of campers for those who prefer an RV that they can hook up to their own car. Airstream models include the International, the Flying Cloud, the Land Yacht, and the Classic, among many others.
Because many families are leaning toward camping as their preferred vacation choice these days, the cost of so many types of campers and trailers has become more affordable. Customers can easily find used campers for sale in many different locations. Even a luxury RV does not have to be brand new. Before choosing to spend the money on a brand new luxury vehicle, customers should really do their homework and visit a used RV store as well. Exploring all of their options will help to make a confident decision. There are many used motorhomes for sale that are in excellent condition. Buying a used RV that needs a little work? Parts and tools are readily available at reasonable prices at an RV parts store, or an RV super center.
It is estimated that in the U.S. there could be as many as 30 million people whose preference and love is RV travel. This includes not only RV owners, but RV renters as well. There are many places across the country where RV’s, campers, and trailers can be rented by people who are trying them out to see if a purchase is in their future, or by people who simply prefer to rent rather than buy. They like the idea of enjoying the use of the vehicle without the responsibility of ongoing maintenance.
Whatever the customer’s preference, RV travel is an experience worth trying. Many people who have never been fans of camping before have changed their minds after just one trip in an RV or camper. So, happy camping!