In this video, you will learn about boating accessories. Six boating accessories are listed in this video and you will not want to go the boating season without them. The power pole is first. He said he uses this one the most.
It is a shallow anchor. He has eight foot blades on his boat for fishing purposes. The power pole blades have put trophies on his shelf with tournament wins. He said he was able to catch extra fish because of the power poles. The fish in the spring go to the bank and there are times when you will want to have power poles that can reach the bottom of the lake. There is a hand held remote that sends the power poles down. The second accessory is a hydraulic action jack plate. The plate always works. They are really durable. You need a jack plate to help the performance of your boat. It will give you more speed. You have less of a risk to hit things in shallow water. The jack plate goes down to protect your boat while you are ascending into shore or shallow land. There are other accessories too.